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Who We Are

We are located in Pensacola, Florida.

The speaker would like you to know that all of these messages are in the chronological progression that God revealed them in, and even though many may stand alone, they progress through several subjects that are dependent on the previous lessons.
This series of messages titled "Our Timeless Creator" (OTC), shift the focus from salvation and service to understanding God. How He who who needs nothing, benefits from creating the human race.
It started in 2007 as God began answering a fervent prayer in connection with Psalm 50:15. "LORD, show me how to glorify you".

  • We preach from the KJV Bible.

  • 509 sermons online

John Neidlinger

The speaker would like you to know this about this series of messages. He became a new creature, (2 Cor 5:17) on May 20 1973. At that moment the reality of GOD’s existence and the direct connection to the Bible became miraculously clear. Overwhelmed with excitement he began telling everyone who had a few moments to listen, what he had found, like a man who had found a cure for a terminal illness that everyone had. His excitement and enthusiasm lasted for over a year, even when some said, “you’ll get over it.” Slowly his efforts began to focus on responsibility and the how-tos of service. As the excitement faded it was replaced with frustration, he said several times “the most frustrating thing in life is, knowing what GOD could do and watch him not do it”. In 2005 GOD began a work as described in Job 5:17-18, that changed everything. He says,” it was just like when he became a child of God, only better”. In listening to these messages, keep in mind that few stand alone. They are as GOD revealed himself from 2007 on into 2016. They shift the focus from the created back to the Creator!

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Our Timeless Creator Inc.
520 Orby St
Pensacola FL 32534

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